METRO BANCORP is servicing buyers that require a guarantee for conducting their sales transactions with foreign suppliers. METRO BANCORP protects the buyer from not receiving the ordered goods, and at the same time the seller from not receiving the payment for his shipment. The advance payment for the order is requested upon the supplier’s or the suppliers’ bank demand for payment. If the order is received, the money is credited to the seller’s settlement account, and if it does not or does not correspond to the claimed amount or specifications, the money is returned to the buyer. All bank instruments include a protection clause that is keeping the issuer from damages and liabilities for issued instruments that are not honored by a pledge of the demanded amount before a claim has to be settled.

When you order any instrument through your bank, you use your credit line or have to pledge assets as security. When you open it through us, you are benefiting from our service to arrange the instrument without securities. Of course, the conditions of the credit include that you have to pledge a security in cleared funds before any payment is made by the issuer. We are helping clients that cannot conclude a transaction through their local banking relationship. As a matter of fact you have to make it certain that your business partner accepts the instrument and issuer you order with us in order to avoid losing the arrangement fee.

Anyone can open a Letter of Credit or Guarantee with us for a fee. Your credit rating or standing with the bank or lender has no effect. The cost of a Letter of Credit / Guarantee depends on certain critical factors:

Size of the instrument (face value); maturity; the SWIFT message type in which the instrument should be communicated; if the instrument needs to be advised or confirmed from an established correspondent bank; verbiage of instrument. All details are entirely fixed in an agreement that supersedes all previous communication.

There are many different uses for each type of instrument. With our knowledgeable staff, you will no longer be in doubt. These decisions are generally made on a case by case basis, and should be evaluated carefully.